Away For A while
Yes i am guilty of leeting go of my blog and neglecting but i had a valid reason people!, for the people whom i am gonna miss badly ....... just let it be secrets BAS ! LOL. Let me see what you will do to hurt me now that I'm out!, SUE ME LOLLLL!
Ok now, actually i want to continue my further study in civil engineering, at uitm Jengka Pahang!~.. i hope, i akan wat yang terbaeq for my future. Civil nih senang or susah i dunno larh.. Tgk lar cm ner nnti kan.. hurm
Aku harap, korng jgn lupa aku lak, nk berchatting tuh law boleh, sebut2 ar nma aku slalu.. ahah!.. ouh, i'll mish you all gila2!.. Dah xdpt nk update blog lagi kot pasnih, jarang online.. and smua nyer akan kurang termasuk dwet nuff aku!, biasa tiap2 minggu aku earned RM10 pling tinggi Rm14 ouh.. ok lar tuh kot, bagi blog yg xbrape sgt nih, maybe lepas nih, Rm5, perhaps Rm3, maybe Rm2, maybe Rm0!.. ouhh noooo.. korang rajin2 lar click ads untuk aku.. hurmm..
ok lawhh..
itu jer kowt.
hurm, bubye!~
(i'll mish you all a lot)
adik blaja rajin2! =)
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