Testing 123, heheh, senang nya lah nak update guna BlackBerry ni kan, saja2 je ni nak try. Nanti senang la lepas nii nak update. Keburukan dia cuma tAk boleh nak ubah2 color, font bagai. Nak upload gambar pon tak tau kat mana button dia. Nanti la tunggu aku explore dulu habis2. Haha
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Update blog guna blackberry
Tebus Kembali
Tebus Kembali

Minta Maaf Semua :(
Hai ! Assalamualaikum,
Saya dengan rendah diri ingin meminta maaf dekat semua para blogger dan pelawat blog kerana sudah lama tidak update dan aktif sejak beberapa tahun ni. Mintak maaf sngat2, ok?.. hehe, saya xde lappy utk update blog, lgpon saya masih sibuk dgn study study and study! duduk kat rumah sewa takde internet :(( sungguh luar biase dan xleh hidup, nasib baeq ade BLACKBERRY boleh ONLINE 24Hourrs !.. hehee, sekali lagi maaf kan lahh k.. SuPport daripada anda semua sngt saya HARGAI !, terus kunjungi blog saya k, ade kesempatan Follow la Twitter saya https://twitter.com/FaidhiAiman .. heheh
kalau saya free dan aktif saya post sumthin ok :))
Terima Kasih ---------- + Faidhi +
Minta Maaf Semua :(
Raise your hand. Stop child abuse now! - YouthSays Campaign - YouthSays.com
I wil no longer be posting here either
Well gone for a couple of days and come back to this?? WEll isn't the Bar a place for Whatever you want?? it gives the warning on the front page stating if you get offended easily don't enter. Too bad that people are closed minded. Anyway it has been a blast blogging here. had a lot of fun with you all and enjoyed it up until recently. after reading some stuff just ticked me off. Take care to all and happy always..
I wil no longer be posting here either